Itchy skin and other irritating skin conditions
such as dry, flaky, skin are soothed away
with CrocodOil ‘PURE’
CrocodOil transforms skin – transforms lives
CrocodOil manufacture and produce the purest most luxurious range of crocodile oil skincare products available. Created for all skin types and for all ages our products help to quickly put an end to the discomfort and irritations caused by a variety of irritating skin concerns.

What does Crocodile Oil do?
CrocodOil stops itching and flakiness
CrocodOil is the answer to many different skin conditions.
Our oils and emollients are formulated to calm, nourish, repair and improve
the look and texture of your skin.
Before and after – the evidence

Dry skin is enriched with natural animal based omegas that are more effective than plant based omegas.
So as the dry skin disappears, so does the redness, which leaves your skin looking great. READ MORE